June Atkin and Timothy Wyllie
MV Carbon
Ry Fyan
Aisling Hamrogue
Nina Hartmann
Balarama Heller
David Huggins
Justus Kempthorne
Clare Koury
Bob Lazar
Chris Oh
Esther Ruiz
Nick Zedd
Soundtrack by MV Carbon
I’ll come into you, the light of the waking dream
- Philip Lamantia
Spectral Stepping is an exhibition of 13 artists, energy workers and researchers.
Soul Vessels at the End of the Rainbow
With graceful dexterity
And connected power
Walking into the Planetary Shift
Strength finding its mirror
Ouroboros appearing as a wagon’s ring
Rising strength of Love
Like a new sun in the sky
Harmonious vibration for those
willing to resonate
The funeral pyre served as a beacon
Allowing us to find each other in the darkness
In addition to the works on exhibition we will have sculptural ceramic work by
Reuben Lorch-Miller on view in the window display and in our store.
Bob Lazar
Area S4 UFO Revealed
early 1990s
From his personal collection Printed poster
36 x 24 inches
Clare Koury
Metal of Mars Demon Defense Module 2 (Triune Projection)
Cast orgonite with iron shavingsJune Atkin and Timothy Wyllie
The Pantheist Journey
Prismacolor pencil on paper
22 x 30 inches
June Atkin and Timothy Wyllie
Passages of Earth
Prismacolor pencil on paper
22 x 30 inches
Esther Ruiz
Communication Device II
neon, acrylic, foam, epoxy clay, concrete, MDF, hardware, paint
28 x 10 x 10 inches
.Clare Koury
MV Carbon
Aetherix Lunaris, Aetherix Harmoniax & Aetherix Harmoniax
bronze, electronics, wood
each piece 7 x 12 x 3 inches
each pedestal 10.5 x 10 .5 x 7.75 inchesNIck Zedd
Early 2000s
acrylic on circular canvas
16 inches
Clare Koury
Quake-Proof Strategies in the Solomonic Spirals
Pennies, cementitious steel dust
Clare Koury
Clare Koury
Clare Koury
Wish Machine 4 (Alpha Protection Shield for One Heart Going All Directions)
Rose quartz crystal healing obelisk, shotgun penny rolls, paracord, mini chakra obelisks (red jasper, tiger’s eye, green, aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst, Lemurian quartz)
13.5 x 5 x 4 inches
Clare Koury
Base for Cloudbuster 2
Cast orgonite
Clare Koury
Cloudbuster 2
Cast orgonite
Clare Koury
Penny pyramid
Initiation Module Towards Plasma Coherence in the Fourth-Density
Pennies, cementitious steel dust
4-1/2 x 4-1/2 x 3-1/4 inches
Clare Koury
Clare Koury
Metal of Mars Demon Defense Module 1 (Domestic Defender)
Cast orgonite with iron shavings
Balarama Heller
Origins and Ends, date
plexiglass blocks with embedded photographic image
8 x 6 x 2 inches
Clare Koury
Orgonite for Connor Tomaka
Cast orgonite with foraged palm seeds and Mount Shasta lava rock
6 x 6 inches
Clare Koury
Wish Machine 5 (Crystal Light for Living Water)
Lemon quartz healing obelisk, Lemurian quartz wands, paracord, wheat penny rolls, cruciform penny stack
6 x 4.5 x 4.5 inches
Chris Oh
acrylic on wooden sphere with antique candle holder
11.5 x 5 x 5 inches
Aisling Hamrouge
Speculum Chamber
oil on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Nina Hartmann
Map of PSYOP Dissemination Tools
resin, acrylic, pigment, ink jet print on paper
24.5 x 20.5 x .5 inches
Bob Lazar
The Sport Model
Marker on paper
20 x 16 inches
The Sport Model - Engineering Detail
Print on paper
20 x 16 inches
(bottom left)
Signed copy of
“Dream Lsnd - An autobiography by Bob Lazar”
Justus Kempthorne
oil on canvas Framed
17 x 21 inches
Justus Kempthorne
Acrylic on canvas
17 x 17 inches
Ry Fyan
The Feint Ringing of a Distant Bell Presages the Dawn of the Primordial Dream Continuum, 2025
36 x 36 inches framed
oil and acrylic on wood panel
Esther Ruiz
Beacon IV
Basswood, neon, pink aura quartz, rhodonite
4.5 x 4 x 12 inches
David Huggins
early 1990s
Oil on canvas
25 x 29 inches framed
Esther Ruiz
Beacon IV
Basswood, neon, pink aura quartz, rhodonite
4.5 x 4 x 12 inches
June Atkin and Timothy Wyllie
Re-Enchanting the Earth
Prismacolor pencil on paper
22 x 30 inches
Snow Gallery 430 Via Vespucci Brooklyn, NY 11211
Open Thursday - Sunday 12pm-6pm